Friday, 17 January 2014

Online Shopping Complaint Forum trend Analysis | Comparison 2010 vs 2013

In this post we will focus on comparative study of local complaints on consumer forums.

Sample size: 420 Online Consumer Complaints
Time frame (3 month) : 5th Oct 2013 - 5th Jan 2014  V/S  5th Oct 2011 - 5th Jan 2012
Source : Consumer forums -,

Categories of Online Shopping Complaints were:

I. Product Quality and Delivery Related Complaints

Product Delivery Complaints

II. Payment / Order / Refund Issue Related Complaints

Payment and Order Complaint

III. Information Issue Related Online Shopping Complaints Comparison

Information Complaint

IV. Other Online Shopping Complaints Comparison

Other E-Commerce Complaint

Conclusion based on the Comparison will be discussed in depth manner in future.Please drop your conclusions.
Stay tuned for more !!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Study of Online Shopping Complaint on Consumer Forums

In earlier posts we did categorization of Online Shopping Complaints found on Consumer Forums.

Please Refer: Our earlier post for Online Shopping Complaints and Online Traveling Complaints Categorization.

Now we shall focus primarily on most vocal complaints found on consumer forums among the categories already defined in our earlier post.

This blog primarily focusses on "Online Shopping Consumer Complaints On Forums". Before proceeding further we run the risk of drawing some false conclusion if we do not keep some factors influencing the complaint & the type of complaint onto forums.

Sample size: 420 online consumer complaints on consumer forums in 3 month time frame.
Time frame : 5th Oct 2013 - 5th Jan 2014.
Source : Consumer forums -,

Categories: Online Shopping Complaints on Consumer Forums

I. Information issue             II. Payment / refund issue      III. Product quality / Delivery issue   IV  Others

Online Shopping Information Complaint

Refund Complaint in Online Shopping

Product Delivery Complaint In Online Shopping

Other Online Shopping Complaints

If we assume consumer forums as the last resort hope for complainant - most complaints are about the post sales experience mostly bad experience.
The inefficiency/inability & lack of enthusiasm in attending complaints pisses them further.
Things we are going to analyze in details in near future.

1.Type of complaint on forums out of the above sample.
2.Emotional outbursts quotient
3.Financial / loyalty losses ranges
4.Unheard complaints
5.Unheard complaints Vs Vocal noisy complaints
6.Key takeaways & Future leanings
7 Easy convenient options to complain

However pre sales accountability subjective study cannot be included here because of not so vocal complainant about such complaints such as lack of information issue,customer support for query etc. Lack of enough platform & motivation among customer to come out & speak is impacting us badly.
However whatever conclusions this study had helped us to achieve is not a small one too.We can ignore it at our own disadvantage.
Let us look at the important findings of this study & online shopping industry take on it as well.

Stay tuned!!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Retail & Teleservices Consumer Complaints | Customer Care Perspective

Retail Consumer Complaints - 2013

Below are the Categorization of Online Banking Complaints found on Internet. Categorization can tremendously improve our operational efficiency but will come on it some time later. Let us categorize the Consumer Complaints for our convenience.

  1. Quality issue
  2. Pricing
  3. Availability
  4. Location
  5. Customer service
  6. Others

Online consumer complaint
Courtesy: Bolograhak Retail Consumer Complaint Vertical

Tele-Services Consumer Complaints:


Let us categorize the consumer complaints for our convenience in teleservices industry

  1. Network Connection
  2. Speed
  3. Bills Issue
  4. Undue / Unfair - Activation, Charges etc.
  5. Customer Support

In next article,we will be now taking a closer look at the complaints. Online Consumer Complaints are giving us a fair idea which category of complaints are disturbing consumers the most, which vertical needs to be revamped to meet the expectations of consumer.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Banking & Insurance Consumer Complaints:Customer Care Perspective

In the previous post we highlighted the Online shopping & Online travelling Complaints.Let us know look how other industry are doing,better or worse in comparison to e commerce consumer complaints.

Methodology: Same - Consumer complaints collected from surveys,consumer complaint forums,email response in 2013.

Banking Consumer complaints - 2013

Below are the categorization of online banking complaints found on internet.Categorization can tremendously improve our operational efficiency but will come on it some time later.Let us categorize the consumer complaints for our convenience.

Banking Consumer Complaint

  1. Credit cards
  2. Loan
  3. Account & Transaction
  4. ATM
  5. Customer support
  6. Others
I.Credit cards
  1. Re- issuing of credit card
  2. False promises of benefits
  3. Wrong information shared
  4. Non receipt of card statement
  5. Unauthorized/fraud transactions
  6. Credit card interest charges wrongly
  7. Overdue charges
  8. Credit card showing amount overdue
  9. Non refund of credit card amount that is now non operational
  10. Credit card application rejected without citing any reason
  11. Fraudulent late fee charges on my card
  12. Unauthorized auto deduction from my account
  13. Settlement of credit card dues
  14. Unfair credit card charges
  15. EMI conversion issue
  16. EMI payment issue
  17. EMI charges issue
  18. Reward point issue – not able to covert to payback point
  19. Unfair Bills & overdue charges even after cancellation of my credit card
  1. EMI payment acknowledgement letter issue.
  2. Loan application rejected,document not returned
  3. Benefits with loan sactioned not received
  4. Delay in loan sanctioned
  5. Interest rate wrongly charged
  6. Loan rejected without any basis
  7. Processing fees charges twice for same loan
  8. Home loan not granted
  9. Penalty charges on repayment faults on loan
  10. Problem in credit card bill payment
  11. Cancellation of loan
  12. Cancellation of loan charges
  13. Non receipt of NOC of loan closure
  14. Loan closure request not attended
  15. Loan disbursing issue
  16. Delay in Loan processing
  17. CIBIL report issue incorrect information
  18. Unfair closure charges
  19. Standard chartered Bank
  20. Late payment charges & interest rate
  21. Loan amount repayed,outstanding balance still showing
  22. ECS issue
  23. Pre closure of housing loan
  24. auction gold withou our knowledge
  25. pre closure of loan amount
  26. Deducted money from my account without any pre intimation
  27. Misconduct from EMI collecting agents
  28. Harassment by bank officials
  29. False promises of benefits
  30. NO action on my closing request
III.Account & Transaction
  1. Unauthorized transaction
  2. Wrong debited amount
  1. Not working
  2. Debit card not activated
  3. Always defunct in my locality
V.Customer care
  1. Illiterate customer care
  2. Rude,unsocial customer care
  3. Pathetic customer handling skills
Complaint against Insurance Companies -  Consumer complaints - 2013

Let us categorize the insurance consumer complaints for our convenience.

  1. Purchase of policy
  2. Maturity amount
  3. Claim settlement
  4. Insurance agents
  5. Customer support
  6. Surrender Issue
  7. Benefits with policy
  8. Others
I. Policy :purchase,surrender & cancellation
  1. Fraud policy with false commitments
  2. Have not received policy documents.
  3. Wrong policy given with false benefits
  4. Wrong information provided by insurance agents.
  5. Cancellation of policy
  6. Surrendering of policy issue
  7. Huge surrender charges.
  8. Refusal to surrender policy
II. Payment: premium payment issue,receipt,refund,maturity amount 
  1. Request to change payment mode rejected
  2. Premium amount default
  3. Premium payment- not able to pay through online
  4. Changes without information & consultation
  5. Payment receipt not received
  6. Unfair amount has been debited from my policy account
  7. Refund amount not received after cancellation of policy
  8. Insurance cancellation money partially refunded
  9. Maturity amount not received
  10. Return on policy is not received yet.

III.Claim settlement:
  1. Insurance Claim rejected
  2. Reimbursement issue of the claimed amount
  3. Claim still in process for a long time,only excuses.
  4. Claims amount lesser that expected.
  5. Rewarded claim amount after much hue & cry
IV.Insurance agents
  1. Threatening by insurance agents & officials
  2. Fraud & cheating by insurance agents
  3. Insurance agents cheated me.
  4. Illiterate
V.Customer support
  1. Worst customer support
  2. Request rejected on no grounds.
  3. Online information system is pathetic
  1. Benefits along with policy was not given.
  2. Cheat & fraud
  3. Survival benefits not receiving
  4. Unfair charges on revival of lapsed policy
  5. Policy status details not available.
Stay tuned for other industries complaint checklist !!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Online Shopping Complaints on Consumer Complaint Forums

Online Consumer Complaints: Online shopping Complaints - 2013

Below are the Categorization of Online Shopping Complaints against Online Shopping Company found on internet.consumer choose to consumer forums for their complaints,but most often it's their last resort.
Online Shopping Consumer Complaints: Categories are

  1. Information issue
  2. Payment/order issue/refund
  3. Product & Delivery issue
E Commerce Consumer Complaints
courtesy: - Online shopping complaint Vertical

I. Information issue
  • Wrong information about the details of the product.
  • Wrong/No info about the availability/stocks.
  • Incorrect price information.
  • Discount coupons not working
II.Payment/order issue/refund
  • Pre paid conflict with COD (Cash on Delivery)
  • Amount deducted,order not placed,money not refunded.
  • Order cancelled but money not refunded.
  • Could not cancel my order.
III.Product & Delivery issue
  • Delayed Delivery
  • Delivered at wrong address
  • Wrong product delivered
  • Damaged product
  • Accessory missing
  • Accessory damaged
  • Product not exchanged.
Hey let us see the sister industry performance ! yes One Travelling (E commerce)

Online Traveling Consumer Complaints

Online Traveling Consumer Complaints: Below are the categorization of Online Shopping Complaints against Online Shopping Company found on internet.Consumer choose to Consumer Forums for their Complaints,but most often it's their last resort.
Categories are:

  1. Information/price /discount/ issue
  2. Payment/order/refund/ issue
  3. Service
I.Information/price /discount/ issue
  1. Wong information about the specific of the service offered
  2. Wrong information about the service availability.
  3. Misleading price information.
  4. No information about the service availability
  5. Misleading discount information
  6. Discount vouchers not working
  7. Had to pay more online than offline
II.Payment/order/refund/ issue
  1. Amount deducted but order not placed.
  2. Order cancelled but not refunded
  3. Order not cancelled
  4. Unfair amount deducted after cancellation
  1. Not as promised & charged.
  2. Communication gap.

We at Bolograhak feel consumers should be encouraged to come out more often to complain.We will be able dig more their minds if they brief us about their inconvenience.Sadly there are no such mechanism in place which motivates them to talk more to us.
        There are two aspect to look at when consumer wanna a complain : convenience & purpose.Companies often let them down on these two accounts.

Convenience to complain - Satisfactory mode of communication.Yes currently with online world around the consumer it has become much more convenient to reach out to companies.

Purpose: Lagging in efficient complaint resolution & customer satisfaction.We are lagging too much to catch to match the expectation of their complaint response.

In the next Blog we will see how others industries such as retail,banking & insurance companies are doing on internet against consumer complaints.

Stay tuned!