Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Study of Online Shopping Complaint on Consumer Forums

In earlier posts we did categorization of Online Shopping Complaints found on Consumer Forums.

Please Refer: Our earlier post for Online Shopping Complaints and Online Traveling Complaints Categorization.

Now we shall focus primarily on most vocal complaints found on consumer forums among the categories already defined in our earlier post.

This blog primarily focusses on "Online Shopping Consumer Complaints On Forums". Before proceeding further we run the risk of drawing some false conclusion if we do not keep some factors influencing the complaint & the type of complaint onto forums.

Sample size: 420 online consumer complaints on consumer forums in 3 month time frame.
Time frame : 5th Oct 2013 - 5th Jan 2014.
Source : Consumer forums - consumercomplaints.in, grahakseva.com.& complaintsbox.in

Categories: Online Shopping Complaints on Consumer Forums

I. Information issue             II. Payment / refund issue      III. Product quality / Delivery issue   IV  Others

Online Shopping Information Complaint

Refund Complaint in Online Shopping

Product Delivery Complaint In Online Shopping

Other Online Shopping Complaints

If we assume consumer forums as the last resort hope for complainant - most complaints are about the post sales experience mostly bad experience.
The inefficiency/inability & lack of enthusiasm in attending complaints pisses them further.
Things we are going to analyze in details in near future.

1.Type of complaint on forums out of the above sample.
2.Emotional outbursts quotient
3.Financial / loyalty losses ranges
4.Unheard complaints
5.Unheard complaints Vs Vocal noisy complaints
6.Key takeaways & Future leanings
7 Easy convenient options to complain

However pre sales accountability subjective study cannot be included here because of not so vocal complainant about such complaints such as lack of information issue,customer support for query etc. Lack of enough platform & motivation among customer to come out & speak is impacting us badly.
However whatever conclusions this study had helped us to achieve is not a small one too.We can ignore it at our own disadvantage.
Let us look at the important findings of this study & online shopping industry take on it as well.

Stay tuned!!


  1. Thanks for sharing this graphical information this information is very useful.

  2. Thanks for sharing this graphic information.
